tools for success

This program is designed to assist the efforts of local NGOs to structure and run trainings for participants, supporting the practical implementation with the purpose of linking youth and women with market-driven skills in partnership with the private sector and foster merit-based hiring practices.
It targets Lebanese and non-Lebanese youth (18-34 years) from vulnerable areas of Lebanon who have completed vocational training or have a high school or university degree, with the participation of 50% females. There are some in this target population that lack the English, computer, and soft skills needed to successfully find employment. Others need training in technical skills (solar installation, palliative care) to meet the demands of the current job market in Lebanon.

Our Partners

CG Fund began its phase 1 pilot project by partnering with three NGOs based in Tripoli, Lebanon. With the modest success of these programs, CG Fund has expanded Tools for Success working with partners in Saida, Beirut, Dora, Nebaa, and Qaroun, Beqaa.


Hours of English
Hours of Computer Skills
Hours of Soft Skills
Hours of Technical Training
$ 0