Dear CG Fund Lebanon Supporters,
This year for Giving Tuesday, your donations will support the work CG Fund Lebanon has been doing since 2021. The need is great as the economic situation continues to affect nearly everyone living in Lebanon, and with the threat of a war, it looks even grimmer.
An eight-year-old student today will be a job seeker in ten years, if she is able to complete her education. CG Fund Lebanon has been focused on the plight of the Lebanese public schools which are at great risk of failing to educate the future generations.
Your help is needed to bring the next generation into the future by promoting digital transformation. To do so, these schools need:
• Computers since the ones they have are too old to support coding and robotics.
• Solar power since the cost of diesel for generators is both too expensive and
• Teachers trained to teach coding and robotics.
Here are ways that your contribution can help:
$5000 solar installation
$500 train teachers to teach coding and robotics $300 refurbished laptops
$120 one robotics kit
$50 supplement one teacher’s salary
Click here to donate.

Lebanon’s Education Crisis
LEBANON’S EDUCATION CRISIS Monica Jubayli, CG Fund Co-Founder One of the most catastrophic economic crises globally in 150 years, exacerbated by the pandemic and the